Euroopa omastehooldajate ühendus Eurocarers kutsub doktorante osalema multidistsiplinaarsesse ja valdkondadevahelisse omastehoolduse koolitusprogrammi!
Kandideerimine toimub kuni 30. novembrini 2018 siin!
Loe lähemalt järgnevast tutvustusest:
" I take the liberty of contacting you to draw your attention to the ENTWINE project, a 4-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network (ITN), funded by the EU and started as of September 2018. The aim of ENTWINE is to investigate the broad spectrum of challenges in informal caregiving and issues concerning the development and use of innovative psychology and technology-based interventions that support willingness and opportunity to provide informal care. The focus is on overcoming barriers following a user-centred, stakeholder-driven implementation and agile science approach to promote the adoption and implementation of innovative solutions to support informal carers. More specifically, ENTWINE will seek to investigate the willingness to care, design solutions for informal care, and implement novel technology-based solutions (including through an update of our InformCare platform). It therefore has the potential to be a stepping stone towards better and more sustainable informal care throughout Europe.
As part of the project, 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) will be recruited for advanced multidisciplinary and intersectoral PhD training on informal care. The PhD students will be selected for a 3-year advanced multidisciplinary and intersectoral research training, preferably starting in March 2019. Candidates can already apply for a position through the project’s website: a deadline set on the 30th November 2018. "
Stecy Yghemonos
Executive Director, Eurocarers